8 Golden MorningGlory Retrievers

Hello... My name is Annie. I was born September 3, 2016...I am able to go home with you October 29, 2016...I am a 100% Golden Retriever and my fur is golden-braun. I am looking for a happy person who likes to enjoy life with me. I am going to be the dog who you always wanted to have.
The price of Golden Retrievers can vary. Some breeders sell their puppies for under $ 1,000 and others for more. Our price reflects the quality of each puppy.
The price contains: the vet cost of the bitch, certificate, stud cost, quality pet food, homemade puppy wheaning high quality food for development, chip, de-worming, first puppy vet-check, socializing and short commands.
Including: early visitation any time. We, SallyandMe, believes in creating an early bond. This will make a huge different between owner and puppy.
Please contact me an arrange your visitation day and time. My 24/7 is not included, because this is priceless! Payment can be done in person, e-transfer or check. The first half before pick up day to make sure that you have a puppy.